Historical events that can be added to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla It has been loved and played by the fans of the series since its release. Vikings‘of British Invasion production about the period, 873 passes in the year. Two stories so far DLC The game, which took place, also expanded the historical events considerably.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla It contains many real-life historical events with the storytelling it offers in the game. Especially considering that it can be a reference to this Vikings Let’s take the series as an example. next DLCThere are many situations to come. Here are the historical events that can be added to AC Valhalla…

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Historical events in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Battle of Stamford Bridge

Viking If you have mastered the beginning of the ages, seeing the end is important in terms of understanding the story. The first factor in the outbreak of wars Battle of Stamford Bridge it happened. In this northern struggle King Harold Godwinson under his command British army King Harald Hardrada led by Scandinavian repulsed his army.

Battle of Stamford Bridge

The war that took place in this region was a little different from the others. Because the units were located in a very limited area as they would control the bridge. This was a factor that limited their movements considerably. Assassin’s Creed gave the player a significant advantage. Also here is the next part of the whole episode DLCIt can be aimed to pass smoothly to .

discovery of america

Because many people explore the world Christopher Columbusbelieves in. At this point it had left the door open for further colonization. right here Vikings stands out. Because epics are explorers Leif Erikson‘of vinyl He talks about a place called


According to the ideas put forward by historians vinyl of the place North America is thought to be. Assassin’s Creed Valhallaa large part of Europe who fought for the lands known by with the northerners interested. Traveling to a new area leads to expansions for the village and social mechanics. In the production, the actors determine the way a settlement is built, as well as how to establish the first contact with the local people.

Expansion plans to Russia

Most Russian, Vikings is descended from. This type of situation is Europe applicable to other countries. Most Slavic tribe already RussiaAlthough he settled in Scandinavian travelers and traders also set up resource routes. Kiev They ruled over cities as well.


Russia a centered DLC It gives a lot of variety to the game. But not only that, special Russian He also adds his clothes to the production. This causes a change in the game. It’s also nice that the players have different experiences.

settling in Greenland

Red Plum He came to these lands when he was exiled. For three years he roamed its shores. At that time, he saw it as a fertile ground and a potential land. Then do it with fascinating stories. to the vikings told. However, the harsh climate and other Scandinavian Abandoned due to lack of support from settlements.


The resulting conditions pave the way for many survival mechanics. In addition, the settlement system becomes more difficult in difficult terrain conditions. However, here is a related American DLCIt might be appropriate to come out.

Lindisfarne raid

with the Vikings This was the beginning of the struggles between the British. A mysterious group of warriors came from the sea Northern Englandattacked the monastery in At this point EuropeA message has been sent to. British The side faced a powerful new enemy.

LindisfarneThe raid on ‘ was not the Vikings’ largest raid. But it set the community’s standards on this issue. At this point, he also revealed how people would recognize them. In this context ValhallaAdding to will create a new mechanic to existing systems.

You Assassin’s Creed Valhalla What do you think about the historical events that can be added to its structure? Don’t forget to share your ideas with us in the comments section!

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