9to5Mac has revealed higher quality renders of the iPhone 15 Pro, following the base quality CAD photos released last month.
There have been many developments recently about the new flagship phone iPhone 15 Pro, which Apple is expected to introduce in September. We even saw sketchy CAD-based images of the iPhone 15 Pro last February and the rumored ‘hero color’ dark red.
Today, much more detailed and high-quality images were shared from the same source. The news site 9to5Mac, known for its news about Apple, has prepared a detailed content about the iPhone 15 Pro. If you wish, let’s have a look together.
Here is Apple’s next flagship iPhone 15 Pro
The iPhone 15 Pro will have a titanium frame and its design with more rounded edges will be. Thus, the concerns of users who complain about the sharp edges of the current models will be eliminated. The size of the camera bumps once again will grow and the overall thickness will increase.
Interestingly, iPhone 15 Pro Max will have a smaller camera bump and that means it will have a periscope zoom lens. According to past rumors, the iPhone 15 Pro’s cameras will feature brand new sensor technology that will capture more light at certain settings and reduce overexposure or underexposure issues.
On all iPhone 15 models It will have a USB-C port but the fastest charging only possible with Apple-approved USB-C cables. The volume and silent mode buttons are not real, they will be tactile, and there will be two haptic motors for them. The silent mode switch will no longer be a slide switch, but a tactile button.
The iPhone 15 Pro’s bezels will be just 1.55mm thick on all sides, and the display glass will have a slight slope. This will allow the glass to transition seamlessly into the titanium frame. The same will happen with the rear window. Thanks to the thin bezels, the iPhone 15 Pro will be slightly narrower than its predecessor, although the screen size will remain the same.
Dimensions of the new model It will be 146.47 x 70.46 x 8.24 mm. The dimensions of the iPhone 14 Pro were 147.46 x 71.45 x 7.84 mm. Next to the ‘Hero’ dark red color, the phone white, space gray and gold Color options will also be offered.
More high-quality images of the iPhone 15 Pro:
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