Here is the List of Top 20 Altcoin Projects!

Paul Barron Network, a Youtube channel focused on the future of technology with crypto and Blockchain, has listed the top 20 altcoin projects based entirely on sentiment and amplification data. We are giving the details as…

Top 20 altcoins according to data

Polygon (MATIC) comes in at number one with 80.33%. Avalanche (AVAX) is second with 79.51%, while LUNA is third with 79.26%. Arweave (AR), in fourth place, performed very strongly with 78.57%. Binance Coin (BNB) stood out with 78.57%, Elrond (EGLD) 78.06%, Theta Network (THETA) 77.02%. Following eighth-place Solana (SOL), unexpectedly, Hedera entered the Top 10 at #9 with 76.82%, and Near Protocol (NEAR) was trading at #10 with 76.73%.

Looking at the remaining 10 groups, we see The Graph (GRT) with 76.49% and Algonrand (ALGO) with 76.11%. Polkadot (DOT) is thirteenth, followed by Harmony (ONE), Phantom (FTM), Tezos (XTZ), Basic Attention token (BAT), Helium (HNT), Quant (QNT) and XRP. The fourteenth-ranked Harmony and Quant’s amplification is quite low, but overall sensitivity is high.

Sensitivity refers to the process of determining whether a piece of information is positive, negative, or neutral, while amplification mode analyzes network-based and weighted layers of impact, which measures the probability of a project gaining traction based on influencer amplification.

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