He got smarter! Here is the new version of the Apple Mail application

Email management and finding the email you are looking for can often be frustrating. However, Apple took action, albeit late, to change this situation. New features announced at Apple’s WWDC 24 event will make the Mail application much more useful. It will even enable you to work like an administrative assistant. Here is the Apple Mail application in its renewed form…

Apple is adding new categories to the Mail application that will allow you to better manage and organize incoming e-mails. This feature, which may seem familiar to Gmail users, has some differences. For example, “primary” category will collect time-sensitive messages from people you know at the top.


Except this, “transactions” category for receipts and order confirmations, “updates” category for newsletters and social media notifications, “promotions” category will be reserved for marketing and sales messages. Moreover, “summary” view, you will be able to see all emails from a business in one place. For example, all emails from Turkish Airlines will be collected in one group, so you won’t have to search for your flight information. These features will be available later in the year.

Apple will no longer support these devices!Apple will no longer support these devices!

Apple will no longer support these devices!

Apple has stopped supporting some of its older models, and these devices, the list of which we have prepared, will not receive new software updates.

Apple’s new artificial intelligence system Apple Intelligence Thanks to this, smart writing tools will be integrated into the Mail application. With these tools, you’ll have a tool to help you rewrite an email draft. side panel you will be able to open it. For example, the tone of your email more “amicable“, “professional” or “shortOptions will be presented to make it. Smart Reply feature will help you recognize and answer questions asked to you in a previous email.

Renewed and improved siri It will also help you in the Mail application. You’ll be able to turn to Siri to find something you’re having trouble remembering, like a book recommendation a friend sent you. Moreover, “When will my mother’s plane land?When you ask questions like “, Siri finds your e-mail and provides the most accurate flight tracking with real-time flight tracking.” Can give arrival time.

Apple’s new email features make the Mail app more user-friendly and functional. What are you thinking? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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