He Bought That Altcoin! – Cryptokoin.com

In its latest ecosystem update, Gala Games announced that GALA will replace TOWN in its farming game Town Star. Accordingly, metaverse coin exchange between games will be 2:1. Here are the details…

GALA token, Town Star’s new metaverse coin

The decision is part of Gala Games’ strategy to improve Town Star and make it more compatible with the Gala Games ecosystem. Eric ‘Benefactor’ Schiermeyer, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gala Games, announced that they have been testing different types of tokenomics for over a year. The CEO believes this is the best decision, especially considering that Mark Skaggs, the former lead developer of Farmville, has taken over.

Metaverse coin price skyrocketed

Accompanied by the announcement, the Gala price gained more than 5%. Thus, it continues a series of one-week green candles, of which only one is red. Gala is trading at $0.04285 at the time of writing. It reached this level at $0.04023 within hours after the announcement.

What awaits Metaverse coin players?

In a detailed update on the official Discord channel, the CEO of Gala Games shared that the flagship Web3 farming game Town Star has undergone several changes, especially with improvements to the play-to-win mechanics.

The CEO of Gala Games added that the addition of Mark Skaggs to Town Star is one of the most significant changes they have made. Skaggs stands out for his efforts to lead Farmville, one of the most influential farming simulators and social media games. He played an important role in maintaining Farmville’s 80 million user base and is now responsible for the growth of Town Star.

Eric ‘Benefactor’ Schiermeyer, Co-Founder and CEO of Gala Games shared:

I remember a conversation with Mark Zuckerberg where people said they came to Facebook just to play Farmville to the tune of 100 million people. In many ways, Facebook wouldn’t be as great as it is today without Mark Skaggs and Farmville. I asked him to do it again. Who knows if we’ll really get there, but if there’s a team that will try, it’s the team.

New mechanism for GALA token burn is coming

Schiermeyer later announced that Town Star node operators will begin earning GALA through a burn mechanism similar to the P2E game Spider Tanks. When users purchase certain items with GALA in the Town Star game, the mechanism will burn GALA and return some of the burned tokens to the node operators and the play-to-win pool.

Listed at GALA: 11 Altcoins to Collect from the Bottom Now!

The CEO added that Gala Games will soon publish a small article discussing Town Star’s new play-to-win mechanisms, tokens and other important details. The change from TOWN to Gala is expected to occur within the next 60 days, and users will have at least 180 days to make the exchange.

Gala Games shared that at the end of the announcement, a game test will be held at the end of this month and users can expect the full version to be released in February. The new version will host the new win feature and other features like decorations, level up NFTs and more. cryptocoin.com We have included Gala’s ‘The Walking Dead Web3’ plan in this article.

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