He Also Knows The Last Crash! Analyst Announces Next for Bitcoin

Successful cryptocurrency analyst Michael van de Poppe analyzes the price of Bitcoin (BTC) to determine whether the largest cryptocurrency by market cap has crossed the bear zone. cryptocoin.com We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Michael van de Poppe also predicted the great Bitcoin crash!

Hours before the deep market crash, analyst Michael van de Poppe told his 518,000 Twitter followers that he expects Bitcoin to correct sharply and leave an impression that the bull market is over. Michael van de Poppe adds the following to his comments on the subject:

The script is very simple. People were expecting a bull run in December. It is not happening. Let the market adjust accordingly. People will expect a bear market at the lowest (around $47,000-$50,000). Control the markets and leave everyone behind. Super bike.

Michael van de Poppe: The fix is ​​now over!

Analyst now with Bitcoin price below $50,000, He says that BTC is still in a bull market, emphasizing that he believes the correction is now over. Michael van de Poppe adds the following to his comments on the subject:

Generally, this should be the lowest level of a standard 30-40% correction in the markets. However, the corrections in Bitcoin over the past few years have been very bad as there is such a huge amount of leverage in the markets. This is how we get over it. But all is well, it must be done now.

Will Bitcoin Crash Continue?

Michael van de Poppe: We wrap up the day with this chart on Bitcoin

Looking at the charts, the analyst says there is a good chance for Bitcoin to start a V-shaped reversal or a sharp rally where BTC will revisit its all-time high of $69,000 early next year. Michael van de Poppe adds the following to his comments on the subject:

We wrap up the day with this chart on Bitcoin. I think there is a chance of a V-shaped recovery. We’ll see how this develops next week, but these jumps are significant and good.

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