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Microsoft chose Cardano Side-Chain Developer for its support program. Meanwhile, IOG, the company behind Cardano, has added the Mina Protocol lead developer to its team.

Microsoft will use Milkomeda

Microsoft has selected the Japanese arm of product-based DLT company dcSpark as the beneficiary for its support program. This initiative provides a range of support for entrepreneurs and startups. According to a recent announcement, dcSpark Japan will use the Milkomeda protocol to generate a storage Blockchain directory data in Microsoft Azure. The company also noted that it will use the collaboration to develop the global Blockchain ecosystem. Commenting on the development, Sebastian Guimo, director of dcSpark Japan, said:

We are pleased to partner with Microsoft to promote advanced Blockchain research and development in Japan. We will also strive to improve security using the mentor system and technical support Microsoft offers for Startup. As we have reported, the official Twitter account of dcSpark Global also announced the development. DcSpark hopes the collaboration will help spread the latest Blockchain research and development across Japan. In a statement on the subject, dcSpark said:

Specifically, we will use mentoring and technology expertise to simplify the multi-chain development experience through Milkomeda.

Yuhong Chen, Customer Program Manager at Microsoft for Startups for Development, expressed his excitement at adding dcSpark Japan to the program.

Milkomeda (L2 Solution, roll-up technology) will provide interoperability and scalability. Ethereum, Cardano, Algorand, etc. It could be a game changer for you.

Startups for Microsoft

The Startups for Microsoft program provides support, free licenses and Azure credits to software startups and entrepreneurs. Beneficiaries of the program will receive numerous benefits over the course of three years. The previous tag of the program was Microsoft BizPark. However, in 2018, the BizPark program was replaced by Startups for Microsoft. The program currently operates in more than 140 countries. It also accelerates the growth of startups that offer innovative solutions.

DcSpark’s initiative in the crypto space

DcSpark is working to build critical infrastructure for promising crypto projects using Milkomeda. In March, the company launched the first Cardano side-chain that aligns its blockchain with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Three days after launching the solution, it has recorded over $78 Total Locked Value (TVL) across various Milkomeda-based protocols.

IOG adds top Blockchain expert to its team

Input Output Global (IOG) is the company behind developing the premier Blockchain Cardano. IOG announced that he has made a significant contribution to its team. According to IOG, a renowned academic, Dr. Vanishree Rao joins the company as Head of Applied Cryptography

In the IOG announcement, “In his new role at IOG, Rao will be involved in the practical application of existing research. It will also have a key role in generating more published work in this area. It will also help develop and grow the company’s zero-knowledge proof expertise.”

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