Great Scientists Who Changed World History

Great scientists, with their theories and inventions, which have a great place in the history of the world and prioritized most of today’s technologies, had a lot of information that is still unexplained today. We have compiled these important scientists together for you.

There are quite a few things that prioritize many important concepts in world history, change the course of the event, and perhaps make our world different. scientist exists. We can say that we owe most of the actions we do today, and most of the items we use, to these scientists from time to time. Because, thanks to the important discoveries they made in our history, some problems are solved today and some concepts that are difficult to explain can be explained. We are for you, the one who changed the history of the world. great scientists and we put together what they did.

We’ve got great scientists on our list, from Albert Einstein to Isaac Newton. We often hear the names of some of these scientists as a result of our education or research. But perhaps there are dozens of other scientists who have an important place in history that we do not know. If you wish, without further ado, great scientists who changed world history Let’s move on to our list.

Great scientists to remember:

We already know him: Albert Einstein

The most popular scientist in history Albert Einsteinis of great importance in world history. Einstein, who is a master of mathematics and physics, came up with a very different invention instead of finding concrete things like other scientists. Originally born in Germany, the son of a Jewish family, Einstein had a pretty bad school life. teachers, Einstein He called it lazy, but Einstein dropped out of school at the age of 15. He dropped out of school not because of laziness, but because the teachers thought there was nothing left to teach him.

Today, many eco-friendly designs have Einstein’s signature. The simplest example we can give to these is today’s of refrigerators Again, Einstein had the idea. This concept developed by the famous scientist prioritized the idea of ​​using ammonia butane gas and water instead of freon gas for cooling in refrigerators. Einstein was introduced to us in our school years with his work on the atom. With his new perspectives on important issues such as energy, gravity and space, Einstein provided the control of atomic energies. Einstein has studies in important fields such as gravity, relativity theory, mercury perihelion, quantum theory, and the deflection of light.


Hidden in the Beer Fridge: The Interesting Story of Einstein’s Stolen Brain After He Died

First woman to hold a PhD in science: Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Let’s come, one of the important names for the branch of chemistry. Marie Curie Who is he and what has he done? Marie Curie is one of the names who lost her life in front of science, especially important for chemistry and physics branches. Curie and his wife found the substance polonium, which was formed when uranium deteriorated and lost its effect immediately after their marriage. Dedicating herself to this after her marriage, Marie Curie continued to conduct radioactive studies with her husband and in 1903 became the first woman to hold a doctorate in science. Of course, this is not enough, again in 1903 his wife Becquerel with Nobel Prize in PhysicsShe became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in history.

Maria Curie in 1867 PolandHe was born in Being a woman, she was subjected to a lot of pressure at that time and faced quite a few obstacles. His family lost a great deal of money. Maria had a very lucky family. Because his father was a mathematics and physics professor and his mother was a school principal. When Maria finished her schooling, she could not enroll in the university. Because the local government at that time had an attitude against girls’ higher education.

Marie Curie came up with quite a few inventions that made it possible to measure magnetic electricity. In addition, he is the inventor of the piezoelectric effect, which allows crystals to compress and generate electricity, and he has works covering the field of crystallography. His most prominent work was the discovery of the substance known as “uranium sprout”, which he and his wife found in the uranium material.


Who is Marie Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for her work and the discoverer of the element radium?

Not just gravity: Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton When it is said, we say that he found the law of gravity thanks to an apple. Because the education we received brought us Isaac Newton forward with this aspect. But actually, Isaac Newton has quite a few laws. Newton, an important inventor, alchemist, theologian, physicist, mathematician and philosopher of history, was born on January 4, 1643. Newton, the inventor of today’s physics concepts, had a very difficult life. His father died before he was born, and Newton lived with his mother until he was 4 years old. After his mother married someone else, Isaac Newton was taken care of by his grandmother for 7 years. Entering Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton took courses in geometry and trigonometry for 3 years. However, he learned new languages ​​such as Ancient Greek and became acquainted with the works of Galileo. Returning to his village due to the Plague disease and epidemic, which caused many deaths at that time, Newton continued his studies there.

Newton throughout history planets orbiting each other He is known as the first scientist to explain mathematically. Before Newton, some scientists did research on this subject. However, the clearest result was found by Isaac Newton. Newton’s most well-known law is the law of gravity. As a result of an apple falling on his head, he found that there was no distinction between heaven and earth. However, he had also solved the mystery of the gravitational force between two objects. Newton also made sure that every motion was linked to the three laws of mechanics. These were the law of inertia, the force-acceleration law, and the action-reaction law, which Newton came up with heavily influenced by the work of Galileo Galilei.

Newton, the nature of light was able to solve it. Newton had managed to do much more than the contributions made to the science of optics alone until his time. Revealing the facts of white light, Newton separated the light into its spectrum with support from the prism and revealed that white light is actually the formation of different colors. In addition to these, important discoveries such as the particle theory of light and the invention of the mirror telescope were also found by Isaac Newton.

The Theory of Evolution: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

let’s come Charles Darwin‘to. Charles Darwin is a scientist known for his theory of evolution. He was born on February 12, 1809 in England. Darwin started at Shrewsbury School when he was 8 years old, and years later he took a job as a trainee doctor with his father. Afterwards, he continued to study at Edinburgh University School of Medicine in Scotland.

in other words Darwin’s Theory The Theory of Evolution, known as the Theory of Evolution, emerged as a result of the work of Charles Darwin. His work progressed rather slowly until Darwin came up with his theory of evolution. Describing how living things changed until they came to their present form, Darwin put forward the theory of evolution as a result of his studies, especially on pigeons. Darwin’s ideas on the theory of evolution were presented to the Linnean Society, the best natural history society of the time. A year later, he published his theory in a book. Another achievement of Charles Darwin Origin of Species book.

Alternating electric current: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Nikola Draganic, known by the name Nikola Draganic, was born in Croatia in 1856. Tesla’s mother was a housewife who was fond of inventions, and his father was a church pastor. Although Tesla’s mother was illiterate, she came up with quite different solutions for home inventions. In fact, Nikola Tesla’s interest in inventions stems from his mother.

Nikola Tesla was very interested in mathematics and physics, especially physics. However, he began to use this interest more on electric currents and perhaps took the steps of very important successes in this way. When Nikola Tesla first took the steps of electricity, direct current system was used in homes. This system, although used at that time, had quite high costs. Nikola Tesla, on the other hand, would reduce the cost and use the electric current much more thanks to the alternating current. In this process Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla, who started to develop projects on his own, became one of the pioneers of alternating current.

Tesla in 1890 alternating current generator He took a huge step forward in the transmission of sound and electromagnetic waves. However, he was able to wirelessly illuminate the lightings of a fair in London.


Nikola Tesla’s Tragic Life, Inventions and Future Predictions

For you great scientists we gathered together. Each of these scientists became the pioneers of the technologies we use today. What do you think of these scientists? Don’t forget to share with us!

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