Google Shakes Hands With This Altcoin! Price Jumped

Although its price seems to be falling as it is not rising and making ATH like others, EOS is quietly growing. As of today, Google Cloud is ready to accept votes and participate more actively with its participation in EOS, according to EOSGo. After the announcement, the altcoin EOS price gradually increased by 15%. It is currently trading at $5.37 and has increased its weekly gains by over 15%. We continue with the details of the partnership…

Google Cloud joins EOS Governance

Altcoin project EOS first made headlines during the ICO spree in 2018, when its parent company raised a record $4 billion in funding to create EOSIO software. After that, EOS continued to advance in technology and avoid the price pump in the market. On April 2, Google Cloud gave the EOS price momentum an additional boost when it published an article discussing its collaboration with EOSIO and how distributed ledger technology is helping to revolutionize the integration of confidential cloud computing. The Google Cloud tweet dated April 2 said:

With the scalability and reliability of our network, innovation in Confidential Computing, and leadership in #AI ​​/ #ML and data analytics, we help @Block_one_ develop and operate distributed ledger technology.

A few months after the announcement:

And a few months after Google Cloud announced that it has joined EOS as a Block Generator. It is an important step for EOS Governance to see one of the world’s largest and most innovative technology companies join the community. Google Cloud has now registered as a full-fledged Block Producer under the eosgcpbpacct account and has now garnered 520,000 votes, reaching the 81st rank among BPs. Brendan Blumer, CEO of, said:

With the majority of global public blockchain activity, EOS is a powerful solution for anyone who wants to take advantage of the decentralized ecosystem with ease… The Google Cloud team is embracing the thriving EOS community and the high-performance EOSIO technology it has created to create the best entry point into it. We welcome Google Cloud to the EOS community and are excited for their contribution to the EOS network.

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What is the target for the altcoin project? To communicate directly with the EOS community, the Google Cloud team has created a public Google Group to post questions or feedback about their involvement in the community. They will use the best infrastructures of EOS (and other block producers) providing stability, reliability, security and world-class network architecture that will take the performance and reputation of EOS (and other block producers) to new heights. They have launched services leveraging the open source EOSIO Blockchain protocol to help the open source developer community build applications that leverage both the power of the EOSIO protocol and the unique expertise of Google Cloud developers.

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