Google NotebookLM, which summarizes lecture notes, is now available!

Recently, studies in the field of artificial intelligence have increased noticeably. Many companies are working on important research and projects in this field. These companies include Google as well as OpenAI.

Google recently introduced GPT-4 competitor Gemini. This artificial intelligence language model, which draws attention with its capabilities, has begun to be integrated into Google services. Finally, the technology giant launched the NotebookLM tool supported by Gemini. Here’s what you need to know about the new artificial intelligence tool…

What is Google NotebookLM and what does it do?

In fact, the first name of this artificial intelligence tool of Google is ProjectTailwind was. After that NotebookLM It was renamed and this vehicle was being tested for a long time. Today, it has finally started to be offered to everyone.

Google NotebookLM
Google NotebookLM interface

Google Gemini Pro supported by Google NotebookLMenables users to summarize and obtain information from long texts. However, unlike chat bots such as ChatGPT, this tool uses the source you provide to provide information, not the internet. You can pull this source from Google Drive, upload a PDF file, or directly paste the text you copied.

You will now talk to your computer!  How will Windows 12's artificial intelligence work?You will now talk to your computer!  How will Windows 12's artificial intelligence work?

You will now talk to your computer! How will Windows 12’s artificial intelligence work?

The update, which is expected to be called Windows 12, will have artificial intelligence support. So what does it bring?

The artificial intelligence tool can draw from up to 100 sources to summarize. For example, if you are a student and you have an exam tomorrow, and you haven’t studied at all, you can use your course notes. Google NotebookLM You can summarize it with . In this way, you can try to learn the subject through a short text.

However, you can not only summarize, but also ask questions about the source or sources you provide. For example, if you have a long text and you only need a few pieces of information in this text Google NotebookLM You can use the tool.

Google NotebookLMGoogle NotebookLM

Although the Google NotebookLM tool is not available in Turkey, we accessed it through some methods. Thus, we had the opportunity to test it. As you can see in the screenshot above, we gave the artificial intelligence tool a long resource about photosynthesis for the biology class. Then we asked about photosynthesis formulas. NotebookLM gave the answer we wanted. The artificial intelligence tool is currently only available in English.

Google NotebookLM, recently moved out of limited access and became publicly available in the US. It is currently unknown when it will be released worldwide. The coming weeks are indicated for this. So how to use this artificial intelligence tool?

How to use Google NotebookLM?

  • Step 1: Click here to access the Google NotebookLM page.
  • Step 2: You must approve the terms of use after reading them.
  • Step 3: That’s it! You can now use it.

So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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