Google made it easier to delete sensitive data! One move is enough

Google finally made the update that made application developers sad but users happy. It introduced a new data deletion method so that users can easily delete their accounts and related sensitive information in Play Store applications. On June 13, Google Play Product Support Manager Andy B announced a new method in the Play support community that will allow users to delete their accounts and data from applications they have previously downloaded. So how is it deleted? Here are the details…

With this new feature, for applications that can create accounts within the application, “Data Deletion” section will appear. In this section, users will be able to request to delete their entire account or specific data, such as activity and transaction history, with links to the developer’s website. You can enter the application whose data you want to delete from the Play Store and perform the process.


Last year, Google required developers to include a link to a web-based data deletion request page in their Play Store listings. This policy was supposed to be completed by December 7, 2023, but Google extended this deadline until May 31, 2024. Now, this extended date is behind us and the feature is finally available.

Shopping security has been increased in Google Play Store!  Here is the new versionShopping security has been increased in Google Play Store!  Here is the new version

Shopping security has been increased in Google Play Store! Here is the new version

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Although a study by Mozilla last year claimed that the Play Store’s data security labels were ineffective, Google appears to be taking the issue of data control more seriously and taking steps in this regard. For example, TikTok’s list of apps on Android now includes a section for deleting data.

This feature will give users more control over protecting their personal data and limit the access of application developers. So what do you think about this development? How useful do you think this new feature is? Don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments section below…

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