Google Gemini can do everything except this request!

Google Assistant and its rival, Gemini artificial intelligence, have a fun but frustrating problem. As you know, we all rely on these smart assistants that make our daily tasks easier with their reminders. However, lately there has been something strange with the reminder function of our Google Assistant and Gemini assistants. Here are the details…

In the past, you could ask Google Assistant to remind you of something without specifying a time. For example, you say, “Hey Google, remind me to buy milk,” and Google would add it to your list without specifying a time. But unfortunately, these good days are probably behind us.


Recently, Google Assistant and its next-generation version, Gemini, require you to specify a time when creating reminders. So, now when you say “Remind me to buy milk”, you say “At what time should I remind you?” You are faced with the question: Technology guru Artem Russakovskii shared this situation on X/Twitter and informed everyone.

Is artificial intelligence coming to ears?  Gemini instead of assistantIs artificial intelligence coming to ears?  Gemini instead of assistant

Is artificial intelligence coming to ears? Gemini instead of assistant

Google is looking to offer artificial intelligence for wireless headphones. Accordingly, Gemini may come to wireless headphones instead of Google Assistant.

Both Google Assistant and Gemini can no longer create reminders without specifying a time. Previously, it was possible to add such reminders to Google Tasks without specifying a time or date. Now both assistants want an exact time. This has become a necessity to save the reminder.

Google is trying to promote Gemini as a potential rival to replace Google Assistant. You can set Gemini as the default assistant and use it with the familiar features Google has added. However, the problem with this reminder function makes things a little difficult for Gemini. We hope this is just a temporary glitch and our assistants will return to their old, comfortable days.

For now, it’s still possible to manually add tasks to Google Tasks without specifying a time. However, if you want to create reminders using AI assistants, you have to specify a time. This may be a bit annoying, but technology can sometimes make such surprises.

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