Google exceeds speed limits with Gemini Nano!

Gemini Nano, Google’s version designed to work on devices with low processing power such as smartphones, started to fly in recent tests. Nano, which can work without the need to be online, was run directly through Google Chrome and the results are truly surprising.

As it is known, Google went through a change in its artificial intelligence model called Bard earlier this year and gathered all its artificial intelligence models under the umbrella of Google Gemini. Although Gemini Advanced, the most advanced model offered to users in the new period, is much talked about, Gemini Nano, designed by the technology giant for devices requiring lower processor power, also impresses with its capabilities.

Google plans to appeal to a different audience with Gemini Nano

According to the latest news, Gemini Nano can now be used directly through the Google Chrome browser, without requiring any internet connection. This feature, which is not yet available to the end user, was discovered in one of the Canary versions where new features were tested. In a video published on social media, a developer named Morten Just managed to activate Nano by making a few code changes in Google Chrome Canary.


As you can see from the video below, Nano is almost unable to keep up with its own speed. This artificial intelligence model, which is activated with just a two-line code change, can detect what the user writes within milliseconds and provide logical and accurate answers to what is written.

Although it is quite exciting and a good demo of what awaits us in the future, you should not expect Gemini Nano to provide high performance and accurate answers to your complex and difficult questions. However, just like its older brothers, Nano can perform basic language processing tasks such as summarizing text and suggesting answers in chat applications.

Google Gemini can do everything except this request!Google Gemini can do everything except this request!

Google Gemini can do everything except this request!

Google Assistant and Gemini artificial intelligence assistant cannot perform an interesting function regarding reminders.

So what do you think about Google Nano being integrated into Chrome? Are you planning to use the offline working feature? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us on our social media accounts and comments section.

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