Google Chrome will reduce the number of spam notifications!

while surfing the internet the most annoying One of the things is notifications from websites. To use cookies websites asking for permission and we are constantly encountering applications that ask for many permissions to work. Although we block these notifications, they continue to appear on most sites. at google Chrome It aims to reduce the number of notifications received by users.

Google Chrome wants to prevent spam notifications!

Google, abusing notifications or by “muting” notifications from websites that misleadingly ask for permission, it has made some progress in recent years. Chrome also warns you when a site is muted this way.

Google launches Chrome OS 102

Google Chrome is undoubtedly the most used browser in the world. The company has released Chrome OS 102 with new fixes.

The company is now spam notifications It uses a stronger way to fight against it. With the change being worked on, Chrome will soon launch a website. sending notification It will be able to automatically revoke its permission and prevent future attempts to request permission.

The most important detail here is the notifications from a malicious site. If you accidentally let even, Chrome will be able to step in and stop these notifications completely. In the current system, blocking incoming spam notifications is left to the user’s choice.

It is not yet clear which sites this innovation will cover for now. Firstly Googlein line with previous measures of “damaging” The notifications of the websites that it accepts as internet will be blocked. Google’s “damaging” It is not yet clear whether new ones will be added to the sites it calls as.

GoogleThe increasing ability of ‘s to control the internet is another matter of discussion. Google Chrome to malicious websites built-in blocking access Safe Browsing already controls the internet to some extent through its features. With the new system, this situation may expand a little more. However, just as Safe BrowsingIt would also be possible to disable such protections of Chrome as in .

So what do you think about these annoying notifications? Could Google Chrome’s new feature work? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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