Gold Predictions Revealed Name: Next 3 Levels!

As we wrap up another week, new comments came from expert Islam Memiş. Gold and Money Markets Specialist warned against gram gold and silver. Here are the details in the latest Youtube video of Islam Memiş…

Islam Memiş calls for euro, gold and silver

Sharing his comments on commodities such as gold and silver, as well as the dollar rate, İslam Memiş said that “there are huge fluctuations on a daily basis”. He pointed out that gold, euro and silver are retreating against the dollar. The reason behind this is the US dollar index. As we have also reported, the US dollar index rose as high as 105. He explained how he would act in such a situation with the following statements:

In fact, he should know that the euro, sterling, gold and silver are cheap against the dollar. If I had a dollar, I’d divide it by 4 instead of waiting for it to return to its previous level.

Gümüş stated that the decline in gold on an ounce basis provides an opportunity for dollar investors. “If I had TL in my hand, I think Euros would earn me more than dollars,” he said. He points out that inflation will decrease due to the seasonal effect, but in this case gold as an investment tool to be purchased. He also points out that the recession process and the food crisis also underline the upward direction.

He drew attention to the gap of scissors under the gram

Apart from this, İslam Memiş drew attention to the gap in the markets. Stating that gram gold is 974 liras on the screens, the expert said that the transactions during the day increased up to 994 liras. In the Grand Bazaar, he drew attention to a gram of gold worth 983 liras and revealed that there was a scissor gap of 9 liras. He also said that the range of scissors should be considered when purchasing gold from banks. He warned investors that they would face volatile prices.

Weekly Gold Price Prediction: Wait For These Levels!

He states that in the current situation of gold, a gradual purchase can be made in the range of 950-1,000 liras. He explains that it was a pretty good decision. Then, Islam Memiş thinks that the next attack will be at 1,050 liras. He lists the next levels as 1.200 and 1.450 TL. He explains that in the long run, seeing the 950 lira level is “like a dream”. He states that gram gold is advantageous in the medium and long term. Apart from this, Memiş states that he is also against short-term trading with the following statements:

Gram gold is actually an advantage for me for the medium and long term. Let’s sell immediately on every rise of the investor who has grams of gold in his hand. I don’t think we should sell. There is a serious pressure on the ounce. The $1810 level is a strong support level.

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