Giffey does not rule out lockdown for Berlin – according to the study, omicron infection protects against Delta infection

The Green health expert Janosch Dahmen has spoken out in favor of the introduction of a general compulsory vaccination against Corona first sufficient vaccination offers to accomplish. “Before we finally activate and implement a duty, the whole thing has to be done too Sufficient offers preceded his, “he said on Tuesday on Bavarian Radio.

Dahmen referred to the current “long lines” in front of vaccination centers and medical practices. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) have for enough vaccine for the first quarter of the year taken care of. “To impose and implement all of this now, with all the people who are right now are currently ready in large numbersTo get vaccinated, everything has to be done beforehand. And if that is not enough, then an obligation will also be necessary and, if necessary, take effect. “

The Ethics Council had voted in favor of it before Christmas, and the one for Employees in clinics or nursing homes decided to have a vaccination requirement on To expand “substantial parts of the population”. In January, the Bundestag would “deliberate in a concentrated manner on how such a general compulsory vaccination could be designed,” said Dahmen. He advocates convincing people who are still hesitant. He rejected higher health insurance contributions for the unvaccinated. “I think such sanctions are the wrong way to go.” That leads “more to the fact that the confrontation increases and not bridges are built”.

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