Giant Crash Is Coming For Bitcoin And This Market!

Investors are hoping for a rally in both the stock and Bitcoin markets. Meanwhile, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the personal finance book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, believes there is room for more market corrections. Here are the details…

Robert Kiyosaki expects a drop in the Bitcoin market

According to Kiyosaki’s tweet, the asset market is about to explode and prices will drop further, especially for Bitcoin and real estate. Kiyosaki urges investors to prepare for what he calls “The biggest sale in the world.” Meanwhile, he noted that he was preparing to make a profit with the anticipated bubble. Notably, Kiyosaki continues to rise in Bitcoin. He had been saying for a long time that a market bubble would burst. As we have previously reported, investors; Bitcoin has encouraged the hoarding of certain assets, including real estate, silver and gold, at bargain prices. He urged to prepare for the world’s biggest collapse.

As reported in May, Kiyosaki warned of a potential World War II while advising investors to save gold, silver, Bitcoin, food, weapons and ammo. Kiyosaki used the following statements:

May 23, 2022: DAVOS, Switzerland The IMF warns the world that it is facing the biggest financial challenges since the Second World War. Global catastrophe has been coming for years. Desperate leaders will do desperate things. Is World War Coming? May God have mercy on us. Save on gold, silver, Bitcoin, food, weapons and bullets.

Kiyosaki’s warning comes in conjunction with general market turmoil for stocks and cryptocurrencies in a highly inflationary environment. However, it is worth noting that Bitcoin is currently on the rise.

Market posts slight gains

Following his forecast, the cryptocurrency market posted slight gains, posting an influx of capital as Bitcoin sought to sustain gains above $20,000. Besides Kiyosaki, other analysts believe that the market correction is nearing its end and cryptocurrencies will hit the top. According to Bloomberg Intelligence Senior commodity strategist Mike McGlone, if the stock market continues to struggle, Bitcoin and gold could stand out as the best performing assets in the second half of 2022.

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