Germany receives 35 million Moderna doses earlier – 1.5 million vaccinations in one day

In view of the Coronavirus variant Omikron, the EU is fighting for free travel in Europe. Several top politicians made statements on Thursday at the EU summit in Brussels with a view to additional obligations such as a PCR test before entry also for vaccinated persons skepticism. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo said he saw the solution in boosters, but also stressed: “I understand that some countries are trying to combine vaccinations with tests.” Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said that travel restrictions were not the solution.

“We should also take good care of people’s mental health,” said Bettel. In addition, should additional PCR tests are not a substitute for vaccination. In front of journalists, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) did not answer the question of how he felt about additional restrictions. “I hope that we will pursue a coordinated approach,” said Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa. When asked about possible restrictions, Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nauseda emphasized that clear guidelines were needed. Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said he saw the solution primarily in booster vaccinations. New measures should only apply for the Christmas season in order to gain enough time for booster vaccinations.

Some states like Italy, Greece and Ireland have last because of Omicron new obligations for travelers introduced or announced.

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