Germany is now sending bazookas & rockets directly to Ukraine

Olaf Scholz

The Chancellor announced deliveries from the stocks of the Bundeswehr.

(Photo: Reuters)

Berlin Germany is now supplying weapons from the Bundeswehr stocks to Ukraine. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit announced on Saturday that the Ukrainian armed forces are being supported with 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 “Stinger” surface-to-air missiles. Chancellor Olaf Scholz tweeted a corresponding announcement in the evening.

The Ukrainian government welcomed the move. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Twitter that the anti-war coalition was now in action and addressed Chancellor Scholz: “Keep it up, chancellor”.

The federal government had previously authorized the Netherlands to deliver 400 German-made bazookas to Ukraine. The German Press Agency learned this from the federal government on Saturday. So far, she had rejected all exports of lethal weapons to Ukraine on principle because it is a crisis area.

In addition, the federal government has approved Estonia to deliver artillery pieces from old GDR stocks to Ukraine. In the 1990s, the Bundeswehr first delivered the howitzers to Finland under certain conditions and later passed them on to Estonia. The treaty between Finland and Estonia stipulates that Germany must agree to a transfer.

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This is a 122 mm caliber D-30 howitzer that was developed in the Soviet Union in the mid-1950s. The former National People’s Army of the GDR had more than 400 of the guns.

The howitzers, which weigh more than three tons and have a barrel almost five meters long, can be used to shell enemy troops or tanks at a distance of up to around 15 kilometers. The D-30 model is still part of the equipment in many states, including Ukraine.

>>Read more: Why is Russia attacking Ukraine? The chronology of events

Ukraine has been demanding the delivery of deadly weapons and other armaments from Germany for months. So far, the federal government had only promised 5,000 helmets, which were handed over to the Ukrainian armed forces on Saturday.

Ukraine War: Germany also authorizes delivery of artillery and armored cars

According to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, the export of 14 armored vehicles with special protection was also approved for Ukraine on Saturday. The vehicles were used for personal protection, possibly also for evacuation purposes, it said. They are to be handed over to Ukrainian authorities. In addition, up to 10,000 tons of fuel are to be delivered to Ukraine via Poland. Further support services are currently being examined.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (both Green) said: “After Russia’s shameless attack, Ukraine must be able to defend itself. She has an inalienable right to self-defense. The Federal Government is therefore also supporting Ukraine in providing urgently needed material.”

More: Follow the current developments in the Ukraine war in the news blog.

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