Free training opportunity for cryptocurrency investors!

Icrypex Cryptocurrency Exchange with Turkey‘s most comprehensive macro trade and crypto money trainings are starting. On July 30, Sheraton Grand Adana Hotel’Learn all your curiosity with the training that will take place and achieve success by creating your own strategy. Moreover, 100 people who fill out the form will benefit from all these opportunities and gain privileges. Here are the details…

Icrypex Cryptocurrency Educationhow easy it is to participate

icrypex This training will be a great opportunity for you to determine your route in the world of crypto money and to develop your trading strategies. For this, you need to fill out the form on the company’s website. (Available here)

In this way, you can have the opportunity to be one of the 100 people who have the chance to benefit from Turkey’s most important crypto money education. After completing the form, the Icrypex Team will contact you and provide all the necessary information. Participation information will be sent to your phone number as an SMS and to your e-mail address as a detailed participation e-mail.

In this training, which will be given by Icrypex on macro trade and analysis of many cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, you will be able to reach all the basic, intermediate and advanced details of the economy, stock market and cryptocurrencies. With the ICRYPEX difference, you will be able to access this training opportunity, improve yourself in new areas and take the first step towards specializing in macro trading techniques.

Continuing to support financial literacy

icrypexcontinues to be a pioneer in the development of the Turkish crypto money, macro trade and finance ecosystem. Icrypex Cryptocurrency Tutorials with TurkeyIt will reach tens of thousands of people with its macro trade and crypto money education tour all over the country.

One of the missions of Icrypex Cryptocurrency Exchange is to teach everything about crypto money in Turkey, technical and fundamental analysis, investment strategies, to provide maximum benefit to Turkey in Bitcoin and crypto money ecosystem. icrypexWhile continuing to develop all its technology in-house with Turkish software developers and financial engineers, it also continues to support the financial literacy of its users who want to reach the investment tools of the future by making use of this technology.

With a processing time of less than 10 milliseconds, AVAX C-Chain aims to be one of the leading companies in our country with its support to financial literacy, competitive worldwide with BSC integrations and advanced mobile applications.

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