Following Her Spouse’s Position Considered as a Reason for Divorce

A man who followed the whereabouts of his wife in Istanbul through the application called Find, was found unfair by the court. Court, Baris C. He explained that the citizen named does not even have the right to monitor his wife on a smartphone.

Living in Istanbul, Elçin Y.Ç. and Barış C. Citizens named after they came to the point where they could not continue their marriage. to leave they decided. Elçin Y.Ç., who could not stand the jealousy of Barış Ç., divorced her husband in the court she applied for. The court found Barış Ç.’s Elçin Y.Ç. ruled that the smartphone does not have the right to track location.

Elçin Y.Ç., on the iPhone she uses Find He realized that his wife was following him through his application. The woman, who included this information in the divorce process and presented the evidence to the court, said that Elçin Y.Ç. that you are right decided. After examining all the evidence and allegations, the court decided to separate the couple.

Tracking someone’s location is an element of multiple offenses

In the iOS and Android ecosystem, there are applications that allow users to track their location. However, these practices do not seem innocent before the law. Because lawyers say that tracking a user’s location is an element for multiple crimes. These crimes tracking data, illegally recording data, capture personal data and violation of privacy appears as.


Who Got It To Track From Space Like a Pervert: What Is GPS, How Does It Work, What Does It Mean?

Elçin Y.C. and Barış C. The incident experienced by citizens named, as it is not the first it won’t be the last. Because the location tracking applications, which are widely used with the penetration of technology into our lives, will also be in our lives in the future. In addition, the use of such applications ban It’s not possible either…

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