Foldable Phone Sales Exceeded Expectation in Turkey

Samsung Turkey, in the press release it shared, announced that foldable phone sales in Turkey exceeded expectations and that new products will be coming soon.

Foldable smartphones, which were first released in 2018, have managed to come a long way in just 3 years. While the faults of foldable phones are gradually decreasing with new models, the prices of the phones also decrease. to more reasonable levels. was withdrawn, so consumers gradually began to make foldable phones their new standard.

One of the first companies to launch a foldable phone on the market Samsung, has launched four different foldable smartphone models since 2019. Two of them, which were introduced last August, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 and Z Flip3, received worldwide attention and proved that foldable phones can have a place in the future.

“Sales in Turkey exceeded expectations”

The demand for foldable phones has increased all over the world as well as in our country. As a result of the increasing demand for foldable phones, Samsung Turkey shared a statement today. Samsung Turkey, due to the increasing demand for foldable phones Galaxy Z Fold3 and Z Flip3 that you sold nothing in Turkey, shared that they are working hard to accelerate the supply to meet this demand.

Samsung Turkey’s Mobile Business Unit Deputy General Manager for Sales and Marketing Murat Azdemir stated in his statement that new products will be in stocks as soon as possible after receiving great interest. Azdemir, the users they have shown thanks for the interest finished his words.

To watch our Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 and Z Fold3 review:

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