First Computer Programmer: Ada Lovelace

Even though we think of modernity and innovation when we think of computers today, the woman we will talk about shortly is the first computer programmer centuries ago!

The story of Ada Lovelace It’s not just limited to computers. In fact, it is a great example that pushes the boundaries of gender perception.

Well, he was years ago first computer programmer How did he manage to become one?

Ada Lovelace was born on the cold streets of London on December 10, 1815, as the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron.

His father, Ada passed away eight years after she was born. Her mother, worried that the loss of her father would have a negative impact on her daughter, wanted to improve her abilities and decided to receive a private education.

That’s how Ada, He was introduced to mathematics at an early age and became the leading role in the story we will tell shortly.

Ada’s mathematical talent gradually improved with the training she received from leading scientists of the period such as William Frend, William King, Mary Somerville and Augustus De Morgan.

Ada Lovelace

The turning point of your life is Charles Babbage, professor of mathematics at Cambridge University He had met with. Babbage admired Ada’s analytical mind and encouraged her to use it.

Lovelace was greatly influenced by the ideas of Babbage, known as the father of the computer. BabbageHe laid the foundations of computer technology with the Analytical Engine, which he designed and partially built in the 19th century. However, support was required for this magnificent device to be completed and realize its potential.

Therefore, Babbage met with Italian engineer Luigi Menabrea.

Charles Babbae

Menabrea, He persuaded him to write a sketch describing the capabilities of the Analytical Engine, and in 1842 he published an article in French on this important subject. Ada Lovelace translated Menabrea’s article into English.

Lovelace did not just make a translation; He also added his own notes. These notes were three times longer than the article itself and were one of the first signs of Lovelace’s foray into computer programming. Analytical Engine He realized that he could solve complex problems, not just perform mathematical operations, and his notes included an example of an algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers.

This algorithm was considered the first computer program in history and made Lovelace one of the pioneers of computer science.

analytical engine

“Ada”, a computer language named after Lovelace, was developed by the US Department of Defense in the following years. The British Computer Society has been awarding a medal to keep Lovelace’s name alive since 1998. Additionally, a competition held during the year for female students studying computer science and an annual conference for female university students in the UK are also named after Ada Lovelace.

Inspiring women with their achievements and contributions in this field To Ada Lovelace We are grateful.

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