Ferrari and Qualcomm join forces on the road to digital transformation

With the development of the internet, which is the locomotive of digital transformation, many new technologies have entered our lives. We can show these as examples of concepts such as Web 3.0 and Metaverse, which we have heard often lately. A while ago, sports car manufacturer Ferrari and semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm announced that they have partnered on the path of digital transformation.

Qualcomm defies chip crisis in 2021

In its report, Qualcomm announced that they closed the 2021 fiscal year with growth despite the chip and supply crises.

Ferrari and Qualcomm’s first joint project will be a digital cockpit

Ferrari has announced that it has joined forces with semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm to accelerate its digital transformation. The company both sports carsneither also Ferrari F1 teamIn addition to using Snapdragon chips, it will collaborate with Qualcomm on various technologies such as the digital cockpit.

Qualcomm will help the company take the driving experience in Ferrari cars to the next level with various automotive technologies, especially the Digital Chassis. On the other hand, it was announced that the Snapdragon logo will be showcased on the single-seat Ferrari F1-75 model, which will be introduced on February 17.

Ferrari CEO used the following statements about the partnership;

We believe that innovation requires market leaders to work together. Thanks to this agreement with Qualcomm Technologies, we are expanding our knowledge of web 3.0, areas with great potential for digital technologies, automotive and motorsport. We believe valuable partnerships and a distinctive Ferrari interpretation ultimately increase product excellence.

ferrari and qualcomm partnership
Ferrari and Qualcomm partnership

Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon expressed his thoughts as follows;

We are excited to see our automotive technology leadership play an integral role in this new strategic relationship with Ferrari. We look forward to helping shape what the future holds as we work together to deliver world-class driving experiences to customers through our Snapdragon Digital Chassis.

So what do you think about this subject? Do you think the partnership between Ferrari and Qualcomm is the right move? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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