Features of Caracal That Looks Like It Came From a Pokemon

Although it has nothing to do with the house cats we are used to, we take a closer look at the caracal species that is kept as a pet in some places.

different from before cat We have compiled information about the types and presented them to you. In this context, it looks quite chubby but you do not want to take it as a house cat. To Pallas’s catin addition to that, even smaller than the cats we are used to to the rusty cat we looked.

Now we’re turning spotlights into a much wilder genre. The name of the species we will examine in this context caracal. the type in question with a lynx It is mistaken for the desert lynx in some places, but it has nothing to do with lynxes. Let’s take a look at the species it is close to, its diet, where it lives, and other interesting information about the species.

Let’s start with its appearance:

Caracals, which look weaker than lynxes, can reach 40 to 45 centimeters above the ground. In addition, the tail is 20-25 centimeters long, and when we include the tail, the body lengths are less than 80 centimeters. up to 120 centimeters can stretch. Caracals with brown feathers have short hairs.

Unlike big cat species such as the leopard, on the trunk pattern These genres, which do not contain any, have, so to speak, hid the entire show at the head. Here we can see vertical lines descending from the middle of the head to the eyes and different points according to different members. The most important characteristic of the species is the black back. ears and the hairs on the tips of these ears.

Their weight can reach up to 19 kilograms in males and 16 kilograms in females. So what are they eating?


Caracals don’t eat much do not distinguish we can say. In this context, it is known that they feed on rodents, monkeys, gazelles and various other animals. But they do not eat the internal organs. In addition, from attacking animals that are relatively larger than themselves. they don’t hesitate.

How and when is it hunted?


Caracals, although they seem to weigh more than their body, up to 3 meters It has the potential to jump high. Make the most of this jumping ability. security can be used in their scenarios. In this context, they approach unnoticed prey, and when the prey is within jumping range, it makes its move and catches it. Thanks to its high jumping abilities bird They can also hunt.

Mostly night Although they are known to hunt daytime They were also seen hunting. In other words, unlike most wild cats, they do not distinguish between day and night.

So where does this species live?


serval Caracals, which are close to the species, do not prefer wetlands and forests, unlike their relatives. Instead, the drier and to camouflage It is seen in areas with enough plant density to contribute.

In this context of Africa in the eastern, middle and lower parts, and a of the Middle East are located in various regions.

Their lineage was known as endangered in 2021:


But now when we look at the IUCN site ‘species of least concernWe see that in the ‘ section.

How is the mating process going?


Normally not as a group, alone This living species has left traces and traces to mark its territory. scents uses. The same scent also plays a role as a vehicle for potential mates to find each other. It is thought that the blackness of the ears also helps to impress the female at this point.

After mating, the female 70 to 80 days There is a pregnancy process. After this, usually between 1 and 4 puppies are born, even if there are 2 offspring. Although these puppies can open their eyes a little in the first days, it takes an average of 1 week for them to open completely.

In the process, the father has already disappeared:

baby caracal

The mother alone feeds the cubs in a burrow. 10 weeks old They are weaned when they are older and become adults when they turn 1 year old and remain independent. 12 months to 16 months After a while, that is, with adulthood, their reproductive abilities also develop.

Did you know that they can also be pets (!)?

Relying on this title and buying a caracal for your home don’t get up. Even if you tame it, it is at home thanks to its hunting instincts. like the terminator will circulate. In addition, it is not possible to predict what they will do when they are chasing opportunities for their prey. Especially if he has been hungry for a while or if there is a different pet, such as a bird, in the house.woe to you” let’s say.

Still to see how it goes home Pumba You can follow the caracal’s Instagram account.

Did you know that the Turkish version of the name in foreign sources was inspired?


Caracals in foreign sources caracal passes as. The name also first appeared when Georges Buffon referred to the species in this way in 1761. The reason for choosing this name is that, according to his own explanation, the species is in Turkish. black-eared cat It is known as karakulak, which means. In addition, references were made to different languages ​​in the statement.

Bonus: What sound do you think a caracal pup makes when it’s hungry?


The Hairball That Will Make You A Thousand Regrets If You Take It Home Because It’s Cute: Pallas’s Cat

You can share your thoughts about the genre in the comments.

resources: Animalogic, IUCN, San Diego Zoo, National Geographic

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