Farewell statement from Temel Kotil! The 8-year journey has ended

Temel Kotil, General Manager of Turkish Aerospace Industry Company TAI, said goodbye to his 8-year duty on June 11. Kotil made a detailed statement on his X (Twitter) account about the projects carried out and achievements during his term of office. Here is the summary of the successful journey…

Since Temel Kotil took office as General Manager in 2016, TAI has implemented many important projects in Turkey’s defense and aerospace industry. Stating that they witnessed the first flights of the first jet trainer aircraft HÜRJET, the first 5th generation fighter aircraft KAAN, the first domestic and national helicopter GÖKBEY, HÜRKUŞ-B, T929 ATAK II, ANKA III and AKSUNGUR, Kotil said that these successes were achieved together with the great TAI family. He emphasized that it was

Approximately 12 thousand new employees have joined the TAI family in the last 8 years. Young engineers and technicians made significant contributions by taking part in Turkey’s most popular projects. Temel Kotil stated that with the large investments made, they have created a human resource that will contribute to the country for years to come.

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Who is TAI General Manager Mehmet Demiroğlu? Here is his career

Mehmet Demiroğlu became TAI General Manager. New TUSAŞ manager Mehmet Demiroğlu’s career and previous projects he worked on.

TAI has created a solid infrastructure for the future of Turkish Aviation by growing 4 times in the last 8 years and achieving 50 percent dollar-based revenue growth in 2023. Temel Kotil expressed his happiness that TAI has gained an important place in the Turkish Aerospace Industry and stated that he handed over the flag.

Temel Kotil was appointed as the new General Manager. To Mehmet Demiroğlu and Mr. Elected Chairman of the Board of Directors To Ömer Cihad Vardan He announced that he handed it over. Kotil expressed his gratitude to his close colleagues and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for supporting him and wished success to the new administration.

Here is Temel Kotil’s farewell statement:

“I would like to thank my close colleagues, members of the executive board, and all my colleagues and their families with whom we have achieved many great successes. “I would like to thank all our statesmen and commanders who supported me throughout my term of office, especially our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who deemed me worthy of this glorious duty 8 years ago and stood by us in every step we took.” Using the following expressions, Temel Kotil wished success in the new period.

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