Famous Millionaire Said Bitcoin Again: Price Is Unimportant, Buy Today, Not Tomorrow!

Famous millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, warned investors to buy Bitcoin (BTC) as soon as possible instead of thinking about its price.

Robert Kiyosaki published it on his official social media account on September 19. in postto investors Bitcoin, gold, silver And copper He warned them to turn to value storage instruments such as.

Kiyosaki said that people constantly ask him questions about what the price of Bitcoin, gold or silver will be in the future, but instead of asking these questions before it’s too late relevant assets before they should save stated:

I’m constantly asked what the price of gold, silver or Bitcoin will be in 2025. This is a very stupid question. More importantly, the question is how many gold, silver or Bitcoins do you have today? Gold, silver, Bitcoin are negotiable today but not tomorrow.

The famous millionaire’s warning was similar to the posts he made in the past. US economy crashed Kiyosaki reiterated once again that it depends on the country’s economy. stocks, bonds And real estate He claimed that investment instruments such as will also lose value.

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