Famous Company Announced It Will Buy These Altcoin Tokens!

Crypto market maker DWF Labs has committed to investing in Adventure Gold. In this context, he will buy a lot of tokens of the altcoin project. Renowned liquidity provider Wintermute will provide liquidity services to decentralized exchange Vertex. However, a figure regarding the amount of investment is not yet determined.

This altcoin project has received investment commitment from DWF Labs!

Adventure Gold (AGLD) has received an investment commitment from crypto market maker DWF Labs. In this context, he announced that DWF Labs has pledged to support the AGLD ecosystem with the upcoming launch of Loot Blockchain. It also noted that DWF Labs has committed to purchase millions of dollars in AGLD tokens. In relation to the subject, the altcoin project made the following statement on its official Twitter account:

DWF Labs recognizes the strong position of the AGLD ecosystem within the Autonomous World founders community. It will also provide support for accelerating this movement with the upcoming launch of Loot Blockchain. DWF Labs has committed to purchasing 7-digit AGLD tokens and providing support to the community through their networks and partners. This partnership could be crucial to the AGLD community’s efforts to develop tools for fully Blockchain-connected quarterbacks.

It was also stated in the statement that AGLD, as the original token accompanying the Loot project, has a legacy status and importance within compositable blocks to create gaming ideology on the Blockchain.

Wintermute supports DEX Vertex protocol in strategic investment

Vertex Protocol, a decentralized exchange (DEX) for spot and derivatives trading of digital assets, has received a strategic investment from Wintermute Ventures, the investment arm of renowned liquidity provider Wintermute. The amount of investment is yet to be determined. But through this connection, Wintermute will provide liquidity for Vertex’s exchange. According to the statement, the duo will also work to “deepen their ties with each other in various business lines”.

Decentralized exchange trading volume, cryptocoin.comDespite increasing regulatory scrutiny in the United States, which you follow from , it rose to 133.1 billion dollars in March in the first quarter of this year. According to DeFiLlama data, Vertex Protocol went live at Arbitrum in April. It also reached $21.4 million in trading volume in the last 24 hours.

Tim Wu, Head of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) at Wintermute, made a statement on the subject. “Vertex Protocol meets the market’s growing demand for non-custodial trading solutions,” Wu said in a statement. It also has the efficiency of centralized exchanges. Their rapid growth reflects this trend. Also, their robust infrastructure is very suitable for large trading firms like ours.”

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