Famous “Big Short” Fund Manager Shares His Thoughts on Bitcoin

Steve Eisman, one of the famous hedge fund managers, who is the subject of the book “Big Short”, criticized the concept of Bitcoin (BTC) and questioned its benefits.

Eisman February 6 He told Bloomberg on . speech currencies of countries, although deliberate depreciation any valid reason other than not found stated.

Despite this, the fund manager only legitimate use fulfill its purpose could not bring while arguing that Bitcoin is a store of value that you can’t underlined.

Although Eisman has often claimed that Bitcoin is a store of value, he has recently over 70% stated that it lost value. of a currency in a year can’t fluctuate 25% Eisman states that the foreign exchange markets of the world most liquid stressed the markets.

The fund manager is just one of the Bitcoin speculation tool What does it mean to have it while expressing that it can be? can solve still that you don’t understand repeated.

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