Facebook Artificial Intelligence Program Could Read Human Mind

Meta continues its work on artificial intelligence without interruption. The company designed a program that it thought could revolutionize many fields, especially medicine. Thanks to this program, the human mind can be read.

Artificial intelligence technologies are improving day by day. In the science fiction content we watch, “Do they do that too?Most of the things we ask are slowly entering our lives thanks to artificial intelligence. It is thought that these developed systems can be used in many areas from health to transportation and will be very useful.

Facebook, introduced mind reading wristbands that go one step beyond VR and AR at an event last year. These wristbands, which are still under development, will understand what the user wants to do by reading the neurological signals sent from the brain to our hands and reflect the action in virtual or augmented reality. The company now your thoughts predicting highly transcribe developed an artificial intelligence program.

Artificial intelligence can predict 73% of the time correctly.

Meta scientists working in with 169 volunteers they developed a technology that they thought could revolutionize the medical world, especially with the data they obtained from a study. The previous study consisted of data from EGG and MEG sensors, which were used to measure people’s brain activity. These data are in English and Dutch Audio book, word or different sentences It consisted of brain waves recorded over 150 hours of listening volunteers.

All data were scanned in the new artificial intelligence program developed by Meta’s scientists. The program is based on the speeches that the volunteers listen to. was able to decode and these 73% like high truth estimating the rate he wrote down. It is thought that the artificial intelligence program, which has achieved this success on 793 frequently used words, can solve most of the words used in daily life.


Mind Reading Technology Could Be Coming Soon

Every year, millions of people have difficulty communicating with speech, writing, or facial expressions, or not being able to use them at all. traumatic brain injury lives. Meta officials, thanks to this artificial intelligence technology, those people that you can get better claims.

Source :
https://www.indyturk.com/node/549371/bi%CC%87li%CC%87m/facebookun-yaay-zekas%C4%B1-people%C4%B1n-d%C3%BC%C5%9F% C3%BC-don’t-read%C4%B1-ba%C5%9Fard%C4%B1

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