Eyes On These 2 Altcoin Projects On Binance: Prospects Are Positive!

New developments are taking place in the 2 leading altcoin projects listed on the world’s largest exchange Binance. In one, the creator of the project gave confidence to investors by sharing their ultimate future goals. In the other altcoin, an analyst explained that it is extremely bullish in the long term.

This altcoin creator has announced new goals

Chainlink (LINK) creator Sergey Nazarov talked about the future of the decentralized oracle network and altcoin existence. He also detailed his vision for where the crypto industry in general is headed. In a new interview with Bankless, Nazarov said that the crypto industry is still in its early days. He then pointed to LINK’s success in bringing real-world data to decentralized networks as only the beginning.

Saying that their goal for the network is to maximize everything, Nazarov said that he is proud of the project. According to him, Chainlink is currently a major player in the DeFi and carbon credit markets. Nazarov says his ultimate vision for Chainlink and the industry is to not need middlemen. He also mentions that they aim to provide people and companies with an open source, secure and decentralized foundation. Also speaking about Oracle networks, Nazarov explained:

“The percentage of applications running on an oracle network and the percentage running on the opposite chain is starting to look more and more equal. So the percentages show that Oracle networks continue to provide more value. This value includes transferring tokens, sending messages and data between chains. It also includes performing calculations, providing randomness, providing identity information while maintaining confidentiality. On top of all that, a very large and growing array of computations exist in oracle networks.”

“I am bullish on this altcoin in the long run”

Cryptocurrency analyst Invest Answers recently released a YouTube video. The analyst told his 443,000 subscribers about Helium, a decentralized wireless network for the Internet of Things (IoT). Accordingly, Invest Answers sees the altcoin project as “an excellent use case for Blockchain.” He also states that the project remains bullish in the long run for its native token, HNT. So the analyst is betting that the HNT price will make huge gains in the future.

cryptocoin.com As we reported, HNT lost 40% of its value last week. This drop comes after the developers announced that they are considering migrating Helium to Solana (SOL), a high-performance blockchain. HNT is trading at $3.82 at the time of writing. Invest Answers also spoke about this event. The analyst notes that investors sometimes value layer-1 projects more than Web3 applications. He also adds that he believes the recent debuts in Helium could benefit both HNT and SOL.

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