Experts expect fewer new buildings and permits

Financing new buildings is becoming more difficult

For 2023, real estate experts expect the vacancy rate on the housing market to fall again.

(Photo: IMAGO/Jochen Eckel)

Berlin, Dusseldorf The housing problem in Germany is getting worse. The Central Association of the Real Estate Industry (ZIA) warned on Tuesday of a “housing construction debacle” in 2025 “if we continue as before”.

The number of apartments that would then be missing could be 700,000 apartments, said ZIA President Andreas Mattner at the presentation of the spring report by the real estate experts. “That would almost correspond to the housing stock of Saarland and Bremen put together.”

For 2023 Mattner already sees 400,000 missing apartments. Reasons are the high immigration figures to Germany, coupled with declining investments in housing construction. Cost and interest rate increases as well as state regulations are increasingly slowing down the housing industry.

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