Expert Who Knows The Last Bitcoin and Gold Crash: These Are Next!

Gold and Money Markets Specialist İslam Memiş, who predicted the decrease in the price of gold and the loss of value in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, came to the agenda with his new predictions. We are giving the details as…

Gold and Money Markets Expert warned about Bitcoin price

Islam Memiş, who correctly predicted that the dollar, which rose to 18 lira in the past days, and grams of gold exceeding 1,000 liras would fall, claimed that the crypto money decline experienced today would also be seen. In a tweet he sent today, the expert stated that he made the “fall warning around $ 49,000-50,000” and said to crypto money investors, “I hope you are not upset”. As we reported, today, Bitcoin (BTC) has experienced a $4,000 drop from $46,000 to around $42,000.

Drawing attention to the factors in the decline of cryptocurrencies, Islam Memiş claimed that there was a “new earthquake” in the crypto money markets and pointed out that Bitcoin and altcoins had collapsed after the Fed signaled that it could raise interest rates as early as March. On the other hand, he emphasized that the tendency of central banks to tighten monetary policy also affected this area. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is changing hands at $42,983.

Continuing his comments on the market, Islam Memiş touched on the auto market after his tweets above, implying that it is the next sector that he thinks will experience a decline after cryptos. The expert said, “What’s next? Good news for those who will buy vehicles, there is a stake for those who stock up. I think it will explode in the hands of opportunists.”

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