Experiments Showing Goldfish Are Intelligent

We’ve heard a lot of times when the phrase “fish with memory” is used when talking about a forgetful person. In fact, most people think that fish have a short-term memory ability of 3-5 seconds, but some experiments show that this is a big mistake.

So why are people with poor memories called “fish-memory”? “Fish have a memory of 4-5 seconds, then they forget everything” How did the claim come about? Let’s have a look.

goldfish memory only 3 seconds It is not entirely clear where the myth of the But it is known that every living thing with a brain and nervous system has a certain intelligence, perception, emotions, memory and consciousness exists. It is thought that such myths were born as a result of the evaluation and judgment of some animals kept as pets by untrained eyes. However, all these issues are to scientific research are needed issues.

Let’s take a look at the experiments that show that this slander against goldfish is actually not true:

  • in 2003, at Plymouth University Scientists have succeeded in training fish. In the experiment, goldfish were placed in a bowl where they were fed only when they pressed a lever. The researchers set up the arm to operate for only one hour a day. The fish soon realized this and learned to press the lever at the same time every day.
  • in 2009 Technion at Israel Institute of Technology In one study, researchers found that some fish have a memory of at least five months. in the study Pavlov’s conditioned reflex experiment a similar was applied to fish. A specific sound was played each time the fish were fed. This caused the fish to associate the sound played with the bait. The fish were then released into their natural habitat for five months. Five months later, when the sound was played again, the fish returned to their original feeding place.
  • In addition, research has shown that fish feel pain when hooked, social hierarchies He claims they know their place in it and can recognize other fish they’ve spent time with before.

For those who still don’t have a driver’s license: Scientists had taught goldfish to drive.

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