Exciting Announcement from 2 Favorite Altcoin Projects of Turks!

In the past hours, important news came from 2 altcoin projects that Turkish investors are closely following. The announcements include a stablecoin project and a launch.

DeFi altcoin Aave prepares for a new stablecoin project

Aave Companies, the company behind Aave, has proposed a stablecoin to be voted on under Aave. The GHO-name stablecoin is currently up for debate and must pass a board of directors to be implemented. GHO will have different mechanics than Ethereum-based stablecoin DAI. In addition, Aave users will be able to create stablecoins on the AAVE they provide as collateral.

How does GHO differ from DAI?

Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave, said on Twitter about the GHO stablecoin proposal:

While the GHO will be secured by Ethereum-based assets, the main vision of the GHO is to continue organic adoption to solve real-life payment opportunities over the internet and on-site through second layers.

STEPN and APE Realm announcement

Today, Web3 project STEPN officially announced APE Realm from Medium. According to the details in the blog:

With APE Realm, we combine elements of brands and new communities to explore the personalized possibilities of STEPN. This is in line with our mission to bridge Web2 and Web3 and bring the next 100 million users to Web3.

What is APE Realm? Why is it important for the altcoin market?

Realm “The Zone” is a server that hosts a fork of Steph. Different users play the same game in different regions. Today’s announcement is about an APE (humanoid ape) themed Stepn realm. The altcoin project chose the Ethereum network as the third region and named it APE Realm. This Zone is reserved for fashion and other NFT communities. They chose the Ethereum network because of the popularity of the network and the fact that it provides a decentralized Virtual Machine. There are currently around 3,000 decentralized applications running on Ethereum.

The article on APE Realm includes:

We want to focus on inclusion. In the case of APE Realm, it is an attempt by the STEPN team to engage more Web3 users with our community. Currently, there is little overlap between owners of BAYCs and members of the STEPN community. Expanding the user base is also clearly good for all existing users.

Finally, adding new users to the community will always be positive for the entire game, rather than just one specific area, especially since GMT is used in all areas. Beyond that, the use of GMT in DOOAR and other potential products is planned to be implemented in the next 6 months.

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