Europe’s First Metaverse ETF Opens for Trading in London

Europe’s first metaverse mutual fund, ETC Group Global Metaverse UCITS Mutual Fund (METR), was traded on the London Stock Exchange the other day. In the news, it was stated that investors can invest in companies related to the metaverse through this ETF.

One of the most talked about topics in the world of technology lately of the metaverse It would not be wrong to say that there is This concept, which promises to do what people do in real life in virtual worlds and is expected to turn into a trillion-dollar market, is defined as the ‘future of the internet’. This allows both giant companies and many people to invest billions of dollars in metaverse projects.

In a news we shared with you in the past days, we mentioned that a new one has been added to these investments and that the banking giant HSBC has partnered with The Sandbox, one of the most popular metaverse platforms. Now, there has been another big development in the metaverse. Europe’s first metaverse mutual fund processing opened.

Europe’s first ETF on the London Stock Exchange

According to the news Europe’s first ETF (exchange traded fund), traded on the London Stock Exchange. If you ask what an ETF is, the mutual funds created to ensure portfolio diversity and traded on stock exchanges are ETFs (Exchange-traded Funds); It’s called an exchange-traded fund. A similar move came from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last month, with the country’s first metaverse ETF trading.

According to the news of Coinkolik, metaverse themed ETC Group Global Metaverse UCITS Mutual Fund (METR), was traded on the London Stock Exchange yesterday and became Europe’s first metaverse ETF. According to the statements, with this ETF, investors can use virtual or augmented reality, 3D graphics, online games, NFTs, blockchain, etc. to 51 companies investment will be possible. There were also news that this project could contribute to the growth of the currently developing metaverse.


Banking Giant HSBC Partners With Metaverse Platform The Sandbox: Virtual Land To Be Purchased

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