Europe’s Biggest Cryptocurrency Event is on August 20-21!

ICRYPEX has announced that Crypto Fest 2022 events will be held on August 20-21, 2022. The festival, Europe’s largest cryptocurrency event, will host industry-related presentations and Mahmut Orhan’s performance.

Popular cryptocurrency exchanges in Turkey ICRYPEXannounced the cryptocurrency festival, which it calls Europe’s largest. Called “Crypto Fest 2022” and 20-21 August 2022 The events to be held on So why?

At the events to be held at Zorlu PSM, everything related to crypto money markets will be discussed. In this context; Emin Anchor, Mesut Çevik and ICRYPEX CEO Gökalp İçer will make presentations in almost every field from NFT to metaverse. In addition to all this, the famous DJ Mahmoud Orhan will also take the stage at Crypto Fest 2022.

Crypto Fest 2022 will be free!

One of the highlights of Europe’s largest cryptocurrency festival is to be free. So if you want to participate in this event, you will not pay anything. Moreover, you can be profitable without paying any price. Because we should mention that surprise gifts will be given in the event area. Also via ICRYPEX NFT Let’s also mention that you can buy an entrance ticket to Crypto Fest 2022 by purchasing it.

If you would like to take your place in Crypto Fest 2022, here By using the link, you can get detailed information and register your event.

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