European Union Says Apple Doesn’t Comply with DMA

One of the senior executives of the European Commission stated that there are problems with Apple’s compliance with the DMA. It was stated that what these problems are will be explained soon.

It would not be wrong to say that 2024 will be a challenging year for Apple. On the one hand, it is trying to catch up with the rising artificial intelligence technology by coming from behind, and on the other hand, the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), forced Apple to make significant changes to its operating systems and, of course, its devices. However, it seems that Apple has still not fully met the expectations of the European Union.

Making a statement to CNBC, European Commission’s director of competition, Margrethe Vestager, said, “There are some problems with Apple. I find these very serious. I’m surprised that there are even continuing doubts about Apple’s non-compliance.” he said. According to Vestager, it is not normal for a company like Apple to have so many problems in complying with the law.

Margrethe Vestager did not explain exactly what the problems were with Apple, but the EU said Apple App Store He thinks that charging additional fees from developers to direct them to price offers other than the ones in question does not comply with the law. Vestager stated that it will be announced soon what exactly the problems with Apple are.

As a reminder for those who cannot follow, Apple allowed the installation of applications on iPhones outside the App Store in European Union countries for the first time last March, in order to comply with the DMA, reduced developer commissions and made changes to the Core Technology Fee. However, many app developers believe Apple’s changes are just got around the law and stated that the law did not fully fulfill its purpose.

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