EU Commission wants to force households to save gas

Ursula von der Leyen

If households and companies do not voluntarily save enough gas, the EU Commission wants to set binding savings targets for the member states.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin, Brussels Due to the scarce energy supply, the EU Commission is taking drastic measures. In an emergency, the Commission wants to force EU countries to save gas. If households and companies do not voluntarily save enough gas, the EU Commission wants to set binding savings targets for the member states.

This is what the latest gas emergency plan, which is available to the Handelsblatt, provides for. In one fell swoop, the EU would have significantly more powers and rights of access to the EU member states.

Specifically, the EU is planning a new two-stage mechanism due to the tense supply situation: “In a first step, the member states have the opportunity to implement the necessary reductions on a voluntary basis,” the paper says. The EU countries are to save a certain amount of gas over a period of eight months.

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