Ethereum Inventor Vitalik Buterin Sold A Lot Of This Altcoin!

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin sold 35 trillion SHIT coins on Uniswap for just $33,000. Here are the details…

Ethereum founder trades on Uniswap

It seems like Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin is not interested in underperforming coins. Some time ago, he received a large amount of Shiba Inu from the creator of the coin. Vitalik burned about $6 billion worth of SHIB, or 90 percent of what he had. Now, he has sold 25 trillion SHIT stashes worth just $33,000. Peck Shield Alert has found that the Vitalik ETH address has sold 25trillion SHITs on Uniswap for $33,000.

It looks like Vitalik received 25 trillion tokens as an airdrop about two months ago. According to the community, the sale could trigger a price drop for the coin. Buterin’s move could also be a veiled take on his last words against scammers in the blockchain industry. It’s clear that Vitalik Buterin doesn’t like to hide worthless shitcoins. Especially the ones with funny names.

Buterin continues his market assessments

Meanwhile, As we have also reported, Buterin recently commented on the metaverse space. Vitalik Buterin says to his 4.1 million Twitter followers that while the concept of the online virtual world will finally bear fruit, he thinks current corporate visions for the metaverse will fail. The blockchain pioneer says the world doesn’t have a clear picture of what the metaverse should be. He emphasizes that the Metaverse will be a conceptual process rather than one company defeating another to achieve market dominance.

Buterin’s comments follow news that Meta, the rebranded version of social media giant Facebook, intends to abandon the Novi crypto wallet on September 1. Novi first launched in the US and Guatemala last October, with users able to transact with the dollar-pegged stablecoin Pax Dollar (USDP). Users were advised to withdraw their funds as soon as possible. Although Meta has removed the digital wallet protocol, the tech giant said it plans to use Novi’s technology in its future products, such as the metaverse project.

Buterin’s comments suggest that Meta/Facebook is trying to monopolize the Metaverse trend without really knowing what it is or what people want. If their goals come true, a Facebook-based Metaverse could be a dangerous place for people who value data privacy and online security. Also last week, the United States Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint seeking to block Meta’s plans to acquire another Metaverse-based company. “Instead of competing on a commodity basis, it is trying to reach the top,” wrote John Newman, FTC Deputy Director of the Bureau of Competition.

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