Ephesus Experience Museum Received the “Best Museum” Award

Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy announced that the Ephesus Experience Museum in Izmir received an award. Ephesus Experience Museum was awarded the “Best Museum” award.

A remarkable statement came from the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mehmet Nuri Ersoy. Minister Ersoy, who shared a post on his officialEphesus Experience Museumannounced that ” received an award. According to Mehmet Nuri Ersoy’s statement, Ephesus Experience Museum, at the event held in Las Vegas, “Best Museum” received the award.

Ephesus Experience Museum is a museum beyond what we are used to. When you enter this museum, you will see the Ancient Ephesus period. with the latest imaging and audio technologies You can experience it. What the regional rights did in those periods is explained in detail in a narrative style. Thus, citizens they haven’t experienced before They have the opportunity to have an experience. This museum has been deemed worthy of the Best Museum award.

Mehmet Nuri Ersoy’s statement:

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