Employers praise parts of the coalition agreement – criticism from the Union and the left

The agreement on a traffic light coalition is in Austria from both the government and the opposition as ppositive signal for the European Union been recorded. Finance Minister Gernot Blümel from the conservative ÖVP praised “a clear commitment to the European Stability and Growth Pact” in the new German coalition program. That means Germany will remain one important economic partner.

However, the Austrian sister parties of the traffic light parties see a change of direction instead of continuity in the future government under Olaf Scholz (SPD). Climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler from the co-governing Greens welcomed plans to phase out coal and renewable energies in the government program.

“The rapid agreement for a progressive coalition is an important signal for a political awakening not only in Germany, but in all of Europe,” said the social democratic opposition leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner. Resolute answers are needed on climate change, the corona crisis and distributive justice. Beate Meinl-Reisinger from the liberal Neos praised the future government’s “ambitious renewal and modernization program”.

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