Electric Vehicle Support from the UK to Turkey

The Climate Finance Acceleration Programme, financed by the UK Ministry of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategies, announced the projects to which it will provide access to finance. Some of these projects aim to help the widespread use of electric vehicles in Turkey.

Although Turkey has started to gradually transition to the use of electric vehicles, it is very difficult to reach these vehicles today, especially due to the tax levied on electric vehicles. Turkey, At the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference While (COP26) has signed the memorandum that envisages reducing to zero emissions by 2040, important news came today for the development of electric vehicle use in Turkey.

The Climate Finance Acceleration Programme, funded by the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategies, will support access to incoming financing from investors. low carbon projects explained. Among the projects, there is also a project covering the dissemination of electric vehicles in Turkey.

Funding will be provided to projects aiming at the dissemination of electric vehicles:

According to the statement made by the British Embassy in Ankara, 31 project applications were made from Turkey within the scope of the CFA program. It was stated that access to financing from investors will be given to several projects that initially increase the energy efficiency of buildings and aim to popularize electric vehicles in Turkey.

Some of the projects in the statement and their objectives were as follows, emphasizing that Turkey’s efforts to fulfill its commitments under the Glasgow Convention agreed at COP26 will be supported:

  • INESS project: Transforming commercial spaces into sources of streaming data so that human behavior can be illustrated and predicted and used to optimize the functioning of buildings and sustainability
  • Belka project: Transforming buses over five years old using fossil fuels into buses running on 100 percent electricity using advanced technology
  • Smart Solar Technologies project: Expanding manufacturing capabilities to include products used to make solar modules
  • Zorlu Energy – Electrip project: Turkey’s first car sharing platform that uses only electric vehicles.
  • Zorlu Energy – Zorlu Energy Solutions: Helping electric vehicle users with urban and intercity stations and accelerating the electric vehicle revolution

United Kingdom – Turkey Green Finance Conference to be held:

British Ambassador to Ankara Dominick Chilcott stated that they appreciate and support Turkey’s involvement in global efforts. Chilcott, to support the development of the green finance ecosystem in Turkey in line with the COP26 goals. United Kingdom – Turkey Green Finance Conference announced that they will.

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