Dogecoin Millionaire’s Next Hunt, This Meme Coin! The famous Dogecoin millionaire, whom you know from his news, has literally invested a fortune in his new hunt. Glauber Contessoto, who grew up in a middle-class family, is interested in hip-hop and does not understand things like technical analysis, states that he trusts social media trends.

Young retirement formula from a Dogecoin millionaire!

As it will be remembered, Glauber Contessoto, who lives in Los Angles, became a millionaire with the explosion of meme coin after investing all his savings in Tesla boss Elon Musk’s girlfriend Dogecoin (DOGE) last year. In a recent interview, Glauber Contessoto says that he resisted all the pressures from his family and environment that he should not do this while making an investment decision, and after learning about cryptocurrencies on Reddit, he decided to invest all his savings in Dogecoin.

DOGE millionaire, one of the main reasons for this investment decision is Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whom he sees as the person behind the rise of the meme coin project. Glauber Contessoto explains that after making the investment decision, he sold his Tesla and Uber shares and invested all of the 250 thousand dollars he received from there to DOGE. Only 69 days after this reckless investment (we can say a kind of risky bet, considering the volatility of cryptocurrencies), he opened his eyes as a millionaire thanks to Dogecoin.

Glauber Contessoto, who advises those who are interested in cryptocurrencies and who are considering investing, to do good research before investing money, especially in meme coins, does not stay idle and wanders around in pursuit of new prey. Famous millionaire, his new favorite is Floki Inu (FLOKI), a meme coin project. Glauber Contessoto says he has yet to sell his $718.530 DOGEs, and he also has more than 822 million FLOKIs worth $92,000. The DOGE millionaire looks very hopeful about his investment and believes FLOKI will help him retire at age 35 with $10 million.

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