Does the Transplanted Organ Remain at a Different Age from the Transplanted Person?

Do transplanted organs continue to age in their new bodies or do they maintain their own age? Science has an answer to this question, too.

For example, let’s assume that an elderly person donates an organ to a young person. First of all, the following question is likely to come to our mind: Can the organ of an elderly person adapt to a young body?

Here’s how to understand the answer to this question We have an interesting story…

According to the BBC article, a 19-year-old young woman in Turkey needed an urgent liver transplant.

The options available were limited and the young woman From a person who died at the age of 93 He had to have a liver removed.

The young woman was 26 years old He celebrated the 100th anniversary of the liver that saved his life. In other words, the incident reveals that age difference is not very important in organ transplantation.

According to Roi Paul Nathan, CEO of Ela Pharma, the moment an organ is donated, it begins to die.

Organ transplant

Necrosis; so one of the main causes of cell death, leading to organ death It is a chain of cellular and molecular events.

It occurs due to the inability of blood and oxygen to reach the tissue. Necrosis is the arch enemy of organ transplantation. Different organs are affected differently by necrosis. While the heart and lungs are affected most quickly, the kidneys may last longer.

The process of necrosis can be slowed down by using cold storage or perfusion machines.

Organ transplant

However, it can extend the life of donated organs. There is still a great need for innovative technologies It needs to be emphasized. Necrosis makes transporting organs extremely difficult and requires recipients to be in a specific geographic area.

Nathan said they discovered that necrosis is regulated by a specific enzyme, and by focusing on the enzyme They managed to stop the cell death process states.

In this way, organs They managed to extend the time from donor to recipient. Their goal is to increase this period to 24 hours. Thus, we can say that the ability to transport organs to longer distances is a big change.

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