Does Staying Positive Extend Our Lives, According to Science?

We constantly hear advice about thinking positively. So, is thinking positive really as important as it is exaggerated? For example, can it extend our lifespan? Science has an answer to this question.

Being optimistic can undoubtedly be an important factor in overcoming the difficult times we experience in life. What about diseases? Could there be a weapon against them too?

A study conducted by researchers wondering whether positive thinking will extend a person’s life is indeed to surprising results reached

A study published in a medical journal called Lancet showed that optimism can keep you away from cancer.

Within the scope of the study, more than sixty patients who were in the recovery phase breast cancer patient was followed for five years.

The results were striking! Researchers, thinking positively patients exhibiting a “fighting spirit”found that they survived longer and had fewer symptoms of cancer.

Patients who experience feelings such as helplessness and hopelessness are more likely to be affected by these factors than patients who display a warrior spirit. gives worse results was seen.

In addition, according to another researcher, Our thoughts about old age It has a positive or negative impact on our health.

Doctors also point out that being happy and acting positive should not become a factor of pressure.

Especially considering the craze for positivity, positive thinking, and waiting for an answer by sending messages to the universe everywhere we turn our heads, thinking “positively” is a necessity. It may seem like a necessity.

Although thinking positively has positive effects, this issue should not create pressure on people and sometimes It’s normal to feel bad is emphasized.

Although belief in the power of positive thinking has had a great impact in many areas, it is still There’s a lot to learn It is stated.

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