A document has been leaked that everyone dealing with SEO should take a look at. The document provides the clearest information yet about how pages rank in Google Search.
Google’s search algorithm is undoubtedly the most important system on the internet. Things like which sites will be successful or not, what the content of the sites should be, are determined by this system. Even though it is so important, the company How it ranks sites There was not much information about it until now.
Now, it has been claimed that a huge leak has emerged regarding the issue. A document consisting of thousands of pages, SEO expert Rand Fishkin While it was shared by, it was claimed that the company was not very honest about the issue.
Documents, whether true or not, give us a look at how the ranking algorithm works
Fishkin, More than 2,500 pages The owner stated that the document was sent to him by a source whose name he did not share. Google did not make any statement on the issue. So for now totally a claim. There is no information as to whether it is accurate or not.
According to the information received, documents are of great importance for SEO (search engine optimization). How Google’s ranking algorithm works It provides a look at the world in a way we have never seen before.
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Google hasn’t been very honest about rankings so far
Google over the years click data and user interaction He stated that things like metrics are not directly used in search algorithms. In his statements, he always emphasized the importance of relevance, quality and user experience and rejected the use of metrics such as clicks. However, leaked API documents contradict these statements. It reveals that different types of clicks on documents (such as good clicks, bad clicks) are important for ranking.
Another issue that shows that the technology giant is not very honest is Chrome data. The company has repeatedly stated in its previous statements that Chrome data is not used in organic searches. However, the documents are on individual pages and domains of the company. Chrome uses browser data reveals.
Apart from these, there is also other information about the ranking in the data. There are things like safe lists used to determine which sites will stand out on sensitive topics like COVID or elections, the loss of effect of classic ranking factors like PageRank due to user-centered signals, the use of clicks, the use of Quality Rater in ranking systems and not just as a training set.
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It’s not possible for everyone to understand because there are so many technical things. If you are interested in the subject or working in this field, you will be aware of all the leaked information. link here You can reach via . Of course, we cannot say that everything you see here is used in search rankings just because they are included in the API documentation. That’s why some experts interpret the documents be careful He says it should. Since it is not an official thing, we should not approach it as absolute truth.
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