Discount Once Again on Fuel Prices

EPGIS announced that as of December 25, there will be a reduction in fuel prices. According to the statements made, gasoline prices will not change. The pump price in diesel and LPG will decrease.

From the Energy Oil Gas Supply Stations Employers’ Union (EPGIS) came a last-minute statement. Authorities announced that there is a discount on fuel products once again. With the explanations made, the prices of diesel and LPG decreased a little bit. Although there is a discount on gasoline price drop did not happen.

According to the statements made by EPGIS, gasoline 41 cents, diesel 40 cents, on LPG 1 TL The discount has arrived. This discount is In line with the President’s Decision not reflected in the pump. Because, according to the decision taken, there would be no pump reflection until the amount of SCT in fuel reaches the level on April 2, 2020. However, it seems that diesel and LPG have reached the SCT amount in question. For There is another discount reflected in the pump price for both diesel and LPG..

Here is the statement of EPGIS on the SCT regulation:

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