difficult personnel search in the armaments industry

Personnel consultant Brückner

“Other industries pay better than the defense industry.”

(Photo: Heinrich & Coll)

Dusseldorf “The defense industry is discreet. Don’t peddle it,” says headhunter Eva Brückner. The 44-year-old recruits for the upper and middle management levels of well-known industrial companies for the Heinrich & Coll personnel consultancy. Searching for candidates for the armaments industry accounts for a large part of their turnover.

The problem that Brückner addresses: Despite six-figure starting salaries and secure jobs, it is particularly difficult to fill positions in the armaments industry. Few would like to talk about the fact that they work in a company that produces weapons. Moreover, the industry is not a pioneer when it comes to New Work.

What is currently added: With the special assets of the Bundeswehr, the problem is likely to worsen in the coming years. “The companies are currently preparing for the announcements by the federal government,” says Brückner, which means they urgently need more staff.

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