Did You Miss Tamagotchi? Maximize Your Earnings in 2024 with FatBoy

Tamagotchi was a very popular game when it was released; everyone wanted a device and tried to take care of their virtual pet as best as possible, never leaving it behind, constantly checking in and finding more and more ways to make their Tamagotchi happy.

For a game from 1996, Tamagotchi was quite advanced and created a sense of belonging to a larger movement, as well as the feeling that someone was depending on you and your care to be happy and satisfied. These are just some of the reasons why Tamagotchi was and still is so popular.

But what Tamagotchis don’t have (and won’t have at launch) is the opportunity to win prizes that have real-life value. This wasn’t impossible when the game launched, but it was extremely difficult to program this tiny device to connect to a larger network and share rewards that users could use outside of the game.

But things have changed, technology has advanced and blockchain technology is starting to prove that everything can be better, safer and more transparent. FatBoy proves that with the help of blockchain technology and many other features, the concept first launched by Tamagotchi can be significantly improved.

Let’s explore FatBoy and its features!

FatBoy: Combining Stunning Gameplay with a Brilliant Game Model and Advanced Features

FatBoy is a newly launched blockchain-based game that aims to be the best P2E (Play-to-Earn) game in the crypto industry by 2024. The good thing is that it has a high chance of achieving this success thanks to its features and benefits. There is a chance to achieve your goal in a short time.

Think of FatBoy as a Tamagotchi, Talking Tom or Poo. The only difference is that it has been improved with even better and more valuable features and rewards. Essentially, when you download FatBoy, you get a virtual character that you have to take care of as best you can. You need to make sure your FatBoy eats properly, gets regular exercise (nobody wants too many Fat Boys, right?), gets as much sleep as he needs, and grooms himself when he needs to.

These are just a few of the activities you can do in the FatBoy ecosystem, and here’s what you need to do to start your journey:

  • Choose your FatBoy – You can choose from a multitude of options, each with a rank, level, and various attributes and luck levels, such as Epic, Ultra, Common, or Rare. Some of the FatBoys available include Fatman Terra, Fat Mask, Fatalik, Fatcz, Fatman, Fatanders and more;
  • Make your FatBoy happy – Meet your FatBoy’s needs such as hunger, entertainment, hygiene and energy. Complete various challenges and earn FATTY tokens;
  • Buy equipment for your FatBoy – Once you start earning FATTY, you can buy new equipment and other items for your virtual character, such as food (burgers, pancakes, sushi, salad), gym equipment (treadmill, dumbbells) and other necessary items. (TV, notebook, soap, bed);
  • Get a pet for your FatBoy – What could be better than completing your life with a pet? Your FatBoy needs love too, and he needs it badly. Therefore, getting him a pet can help him become even happier than he is with you.

About FATTY and Its Features

FATTY is the native currency of the FatBoy ecosystem. It serves as a utility token and governance token and can be used for a surprisingly large number of purposes.

For example, as we mentioned before, you can use FATTY to purchase in-game assets that can make your FatBoy happier and more comfortable. The more FATTY you earn, the more opportunities you have in your FatBoy’s world.

You can also stake your FATTY tokens to generate passive income and maximize your earnings. You can get daily rewards during the 90-day lock period.

Additionally, it won’t be long before FatBoy launches its token presale; Here users will have a significant opportunity by purchasing FATTY tokens at the starting price of $0.016. The final pre-sale price will be $0.030.

FATTY is developed on top of the Arbitrum network and has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 shared as follows:

  • 41% – Pre-sales events;
  • 7% – VC round;
  • 5% – Team members;
  • 12% – Liquidity;
  • 10% – Staking;
  • 10% – In-game rewards;
  • 1% – Beta test rewards;
  • 11% – Marketing;
  • 2% – Consultants;
  • 1% – IDO tour.

Learn more

With FatBoy currently in final beta development and planning to release its public beta in Q3 2024, things are only going to get better for its community from here on out. To stay up to date with the latest announcements and changes, check out FatBoy’s official website and read its whitepaper.

Also FatBoy’s Discord, X (Twitter)Be among the first to learn about new events and offers by following Telegram, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Medium events.

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